News / Information Materials

pdfConference programme

Macchi S., Adattamento al cambiamento climatico e urban sprawl: lezioni dall'Africa

pdfPresentation (it)

Ricci L., Infrastrutture resilienti e vulnerabilità contestuale: due prospettive da integrare

pdfPresentation (it)

Sappa, G., Luciani, G., Aspetti idrogeologici degli effetti del cambiamento climatico in ambiente urbano

pdfPresentation (it)

AESOP Annual Congress 2014 "From control to co-evolution"

9-12 July 2014, Utrecht/Delft, The Netherlands

webCongress Program

webeBook of Abstract

Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change into Urban Planning: Lessons from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



Faldi, G., A Backcasting Scenario Methodology for Planning Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam



Fantini L, Lo Presti V, Positive Thinking Approaches and Learning in Evaluative Research. The Case of a Climate Change Adaptation Initiative in Dar es Salaam

pdfAbstract WGS101


pdfWorkshop Programme


pdfConference Program (it)

pdfDetailed Conference Program (it)

Faldi, G., Macchi, S., Pianificare l’adattamento a livello comunitario: prove di backcasting partecipativo a Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

pdfPresentation (it)

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014

27 April - 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria

wwwAssembly Program / NP - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics

Cioffi, F., Monti, A., Conticello, F., Lall, U., Projecting Changes in Tanzania Rainfall for the 21st century: Scenarios, Downscaling and Analysis



wwwConference Program

Faldi, G., Backcasting for climate change adaptation: Developing a participatory scenario methodology in coastal Dar es Salaam


I Annual Conference "Esperienze e Conoscenze. Progetti Internazionali nei Paesi Emergenti"

4 February 2014, Centro PVS, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

pdfConference Program (it)

Fantini, L., Rafforzare le capacità delle amministrazioni locali per l'adattamento al cambiamento climatico: il caso di Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

pdfAbstract (it)

pdfAbstract (en)

pdfPresentation (it)

pdfConference Program

Macchi, S., Mainstreaming Adaptation into Urban Development and Environmental Management Planning: Lessons from Dar es Salaam



Sappa, G., Analysis of the Sensitivity to Seawater Intrusion of Dar es Salaam’s Coastal Aquifer with Regard to Climate Change



Shemdoe, R., Climate Change Adaptation in Dar es Salaam: Local Government Opinions on Possible Interventions



Fantini, L., Capacity Building for Adaptation to Climate Change at Local Government Level: the Case of Dar es Salaam


Congedo, L., Non climatic Factors of Vulnerability to Climate Change: an Estimation of Population in Dar es Salaam using Remote Sensing


Faldi, G., The Use of Backcasting Scenario for Planning Adaptation to Climate Change in Dar es Salaam


Cioffi, F., Monti, A., Lall, U., Homogeneous & Non-Homogeneous Hidden Markov Downscaling Model for Projection of Hydroclimate Changes in Tanzania


The Local Climate Solutions for Africa 2013 Congress

30 October - 1 November 2013, ICLEI and DCC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

pdfCongress Program

Rugai, D., Settlements and Population located in Flood-prone Areas of Dar es Salaam: Local Challenges and Experiences with Adaptation and Risk Management


pdfWorkshop Program

Dar es Salaam City Council, Empowering of Dar es Salaam Community on Adaptation to Climate Change

pdfProject Proposal

Temeke Municipality, Conservation of water resources along the coastal belt of Temeke as a strategy towards minimising salt water intrusion

pdfProject Proposal


Ilala Municipality, Rainwater Harvesting in Schools to Demonstrate Adaptation to Climate Change in Peri-urban Areas of Ilala Municipality

pdfProject Proposal

Kinondoni Municipality, Rain Water Harvesting as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Reducing Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Area of Dar es Salaam

pdfProject Proposal

Wami/Ruvu Basin Water Board, Development of an adaptive mechanism to reduce salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers specifically Temeke Municipal

pdfProject Proposal

AESOP/ACSP Joint Congress 2013 "Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions"

15-19 July 2013, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

wwwConference Program

pdfeBook of Abstracts

Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Congedo, L., Faldi, G., Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar Es Salaam


Faldi, G., The Use of Backcasting Scenario for Planning Adaptation to Climate Change in sub-Saharan Urban Areas


Ricci, L., Using the Concept of Adaptive Capacity to Explore the "Urban Security" Approach in Kigamboni New City Project


pdfWorkshop Program

Macchi, S., Magrini, D., Europa-Africa Academic Cooperation: the ACC DAR project


Reality Check Workshop: Adaptation on the Ground. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

pdfSession Description

pdfConference Program (it)

pdfDetailed Conference Program (it)

Congedo, L., Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Faldi, G., Urban Sprawl e Adattamento al Cambiamento Climatico: il caso di Dar es Salaam

pdfPresentation (it)

Faldi, G., L’analisi di scenario per l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: definire un progetto di sostenibilità per la città sub-Sahariana

pdfPresentation (it)


pdfWorkshop Programme APRIL 20, 2013

pdfWorkshop Programme APRIL 22, 2013

pdfList of Participants and their Biographies

pdfWorkshop Report

Congedo, L., Land cover change and demographic growth: an estimation of Dar es Salaam’s population using remote sensing


Macchi, S., Kassenga, G., Building knowledge for climate change adaptation in coastal peri-urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Ricci, L., Exploring coping strategies for supporting autonomous adaptive capacity in Dar es Salaam


Tyndall Centre’s 3rd annual Ph.D. Conference "Climate Transitions. Connecting People, Planet & Place"

3-5 April 2013, Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University, UK

pdfConference Program

Faldi, G., Backcasting scenarios for adaptation to climate change: the case of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)


Conference "Il consumo di suolo: lo stato, le cause e gli impatti"

5 February 2013, ISPRA, CRA and DICEA, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

pdfConference Program (it)

Macchi, S., Adattamento autonomo come causa di crescita del periurbano

pdfPresentation (it)

youtubePresentation (it)

39th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress

16-21 September 2012, IAH - Canadian National Chapter, Niagara Falls, Canada

pdfCongress Program and Abstracts

Faldi, G., Rossi, M., Sappa, G., Anthropogenic and climate change effect on seawater intrusion in Dar Es Salaam coastal aquifer


AESOP 26th Annual Congress

11-15 July 2012, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

pdfCongress Program

wwwAESOP 2012 E-Book of Abstracts - Track 12: Vulnerabilities, Risks, and Mitigation Planning

Ricci, L., Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Peri-urban Areas: Investigating Autonomous Adaptation in Dar es Salaam



pdfConference Program (it)

Macchi S., Pianificare per il cambiamento climatico: il caso di Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

pdfAbstract (it)

pdfPresentation (it)

pdfWorkshop Program

pdfList of participants and their Biographies

Ricci, L., Investigating the Livelihoods of the Population Dependent on Natural Resources and their Concerns Regarding Climate Change


Mbuligwe, S., Investigation on Dar es Salaam’s Institutional Activities Related to Climate Change


Macchi, S., Concluding Remarks on the First Session. Suggested Questions for Working Group


Macchi, S., The ACC DAR Project


Fantini, L., The Project Web Site


Simon, D., Addressing Climate/Environmental Change in African Coastal Cities and their Peri-Urban Hinterlands


Kipkorir, E., Integration of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Climate Change Adaptation and Enhancing Food Security in Nandi and Keiyo Districts, Kenya


Rossetti, G., What do people have to say? Some thoughts about investigating people’s perceptions in climate and environmental change research

pdfDraft Paper

Urban Impact of Climate Change in Africa Conference

16 November 2011, CCTM/ Polytechnic of Turin in collaboration with the Province of Turin, Turin, Italy

pdfConference Program (eng)

pdfConference Program (fr)

Macchi S., Planning for Adaptation

pdfConference Introduction Presentation

pdfConference Abstracts (eng, fr)

Rugai, D., Kassenga, G.R., Response Capacity in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Faldi,G., Rossi, M., Groundwater Sensitivity to Climate Change in coastal Dar es Salaam

Ricci, L., Autonomous Adaptive Capacity to Environmental Change in Peri-urban Dar es Salaam


Congedo, L., Munafò, M., Land Cover Change and Urban Vulnerability to Climate Change in Dar


Giacopelli, A.L., Ricci, L., NGEMA Project-Neighborhood Growth and Environmental Management Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

webPress Release

Technical Workshop on Monitoring Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Groundwater

14-17 November 2011, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

5th Forum on Developing the Regions of Africa and Europe

6-7 October 2011, Fondazione Banco di Sicilia in collaboration with The European House – Ambrosetti, Taormina, Italy

Technical Workshop on Data Analysis

27 September - 1 October 2011, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Participatory Theatre Workshop on Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar

20-22 September 2011, ARDHI University in collaboration with Kunduchi ward, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

O. Malcor, Feasibility study for a Participatory Theatre process about Climate Change

pdfWorkshop Minute

International Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development

6-7 May 2011, Columbia University, New York City, USA

webWorkshop Program

Ricci L., Peri-urban Livelihood and Adaptive Capacity: The Case of Dar es Salaam



ACC DAR Project Kick off Meeting

28 April 2011, International Conference Centre – PPF Tower, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

webConference Program

Ricci, L., Reinterpreting Sub-Saharan Cities through the Concept of "Adaptive Capacity"




Prof. Giuseppe Sappa, Project Coordinator


Prof. Gabriel Kassenga, Local Coordinator
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