Operational Structure
The operational structure of the project consists of two governing bodies: the Project Coordination Team (PCT) and the Management Team (MT).
The Project Coordination Team will be jointly chaired by the Project Coordinator and the Local Coordinator, and will also include two other researchers from Sapienza University and Ardhi University.
It will determine the main technical and strategic guidelines, coordinate and supervise project activities, and make decisions on the following matters:
- political and strategic orientation of the project;
- approval of any modifications to and/or deviations from the project Work Plan;
- approval of the Dissemination;
- follow-up and validation of the budget.
The PCT, together with the MT, will be responsible for ensuring that project deliverables comply with the planned activities, and that they are communicated in an accurate and timely manner to participants whose input is required.
The PCT will meet twice a year to present progress reports, approve rearrangements of project activities and/or their scheduling and to modify the budget accordingly.
The Project Coordinator will ensure that all partners’ contributions meet the Work Plan expectations.
She will be the information interface point between the project team and the European Commission, representing the project participants.
The Management Team will be chaired by the Project Manager, and will consist of two Administrative staff, one for each partner. Its responsibility is twofold:
- Executive management: organization and scheduling of activities, meetings, inputs and outputs; direct support to the PCT and to WP leaders; communication with the EU for all organizational issues. The MT will be the reference point for project participants as regards transparency of all management issues. The MT will ensure that requisite awareness and knowledge of all management, administrative and contractual issues are adequately communicated to all participants.
- Financial management: general administration and financial execution; ensuring immediate execution of budget or other financial decisions. The MT will prepare financial data during the negotiation phase. During the project phase, it will be responsible for general accounting management, including budget allocation and transfers of funds. Financial reporting will be performed in accordance with the Commission’s deadlines, and the MT will ensure that certifying institutions are given a reasonable amount of time to carry out the requisite audits of financial statements.
There are three joint working groups (JWP), one for each work package. They will consist of junior researchers from each partner institution, and led by three senior researchers. Their results will be monitored by the Project Coordination Team and the Management Team, reported during the three International Workshops and evaluated by the external expert once a year.