
Ricci L. Macchi S., forthcoming. Case study: Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam. In Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3-2). Earth Institute, Columbia University, and Aalborg University, Copenhagen.

webARC3 Series

Shemdoe R.S., Rugai D., Fantini L., forthcoming. Climate change adaptation in Dar es Salaam: Local government opinions and proposed interventions. In Pezzoli A., Tiepolo M. (eds.) Planning the Adaptation to Climate Change for the Cities of the Tropical and Sub Tropical Regions.. De Gruyter Open, Berlin.


Macchi S., Ricci L., forthcoming. Climate change adaptation through urban planning: a proposed approach for sub-Saharan cities. In Pezzoli A., Tiepolo M. (eds.) Planning the Adaptation to Climate Change for the Cities of the Tropical and Sub Tropical Regions. De Gruyter Open, Berlin.


Macchi S., Ricci L. (Eds.), forthcoming. Adaptation Planning in a Mutable Environment. Research for Development Series, Springer.

pdfTable of Contents

Macchi S., Kassenga G. (Eds.), forthcoming. Adapating to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam. Aracne. ISBN:9788854877382.

pdfTable of Contents

Congedo L., Macchi S., 2015. The demographic dimension of climate change vulnerability: exploring the relation between population growth and urban sprawl in Dar es Salaam. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 13:1-10, DOI:10.1016/j.cosust.2014.12.002.


Shemdoe R., Kassenga G., Mbuligwe S., 2015. Implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation interventions at the local government levels in Tanzania: where do we start?. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 13:32-41, DOI:10.1016/j.cosust.2015.01.002.


Sappa G., Ergul S., Ferranti F., Ngalya Sweya L., Luciani G., 2015. Effects of seasonal change and seawater intrusion on water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes, in coastal aquifers of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 105:64-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.02.007.


Fantini L., 2014. Rafforzare le capacità delle amministrazioni locali per l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: il caso di Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Atti I Conferenza Nazionale del Centro PVS Experiences, Knowledge and Projects. Orienta. ISBN 978889646730. 113-120.

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Congedo L., Munafò M., Macchi S., Ricci L., 2014. Consumo di suolo, servizi ecosistemici e adattamento al cambiamento climatico nelle aree urbane. pp.199-208. In ISPRA, Focus su Le Città e la Sfida dei Cambiamenti Climatici. Series Stato dell’ambiente, 54:199-208. ISPRA; Roma ISBN:9788844806866

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Faldi G., Macchi S., 2014. Pianificare l’adattamento a livello comunitario: prove di backcasting partecipativo a Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). In Proceedings of the XVII National Conference of the Italian Society of Urban Planners Italian Urban Planning in the World. International perspectives and cultural contributions and debts, Milan, 15-16 May. Planum Publisher. 264-273

pdfFull Papers Atelier 3 (it)

Sappa G, Luciani G., 2014. Groundwater management in Dar Es Salam coastal aquifer (Tanzania) under a difficult sustainable development. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT


Sappa G., Trotta A., Vitale S., 2014. Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Active Recharge in Coastal Plain of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). In Lollino et al. (Eds.) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. 1:177-180. Springer ISBN: 978-3-319-09299-7


Sappa G., Coviello M., Luciani G., 2014. Climate change effect on seawater intrusion evolution in Dar Es Salaam Coastal Plain, Tanzania. In Proceedings of the 23rd 23rd Saltwater Intrusion Meeting SWIM, Husum, June 16-20


Rugai, D., Fantini, L., Shemdoe, R., 2014. Capacity building for Climate Change Adaptation at Local Government Level in Dar es Salaam. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 3 Activity 3.2

pdfWorking Paper (draft)

Shemdoe, R., Kassenga, G., Ricci, L., Norero, C., Macchi, S., Sappa G., 2014. Mainstreaming Adaptation Into Existing Urban Development and Environmental Management Plans: Guidelines and an Application to Four Plans and Programs in Dar es Salaam. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 3 Activity 3.4

pdfWorking Paper (draft)

Faldi, G., Macchi, S., Malcor, O., Montemurro M., 2014. A Participatory Backcasting Scenario Methodology for Supporting Climate Change Adaptation Planning at Community Level: Access to Water in Coastal Dar es Salaam. Working Paper, ACC Dar Project WP 2 Activity 2.3

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Montemurro M., 2014. Backcasting scenario methods for participatory climate change adaptation planning: the case of Temeke’s municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. MSc in Environmental Engineering. Sapienza University of Rome.


pdfMSc Dissertation (it)

Macchi, S., Tiepolo, M. (Eds.), 2014. Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities. Building Knowledge for Adaptation. Springer Climate Series, Springer, p. 260

webSpringer/Global Change-Climate Change

Calchetti T., 2013. Methods for building forecast scenarios of spatial development in peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Temeke municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. MSc in Environmental Engineering. Sapienza University of Rome.


pdfMSc Dissertation (it)

Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Congedo, L., Faldi, G., 2013. Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar Es Salaam. In: AESOP/ACSP Joint Congress 2013 "Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions", Dublin, 15-19 July 2013.


Congedo, L., Macchi, S., Ricci, L., Faldi, G., 2013. Urban Sprawl e Adattamento al Cambiamento Climatico: il caso di Dar es Salaam. In: Proceedings of the XVI National Conference of the Italian Society of Urban Planners "Urbanism for a different kind of growth", Naples, 9-10 May 2013. Planum. The Journal of Urbanism (ISSN 1723-0993), n. 27/2013, vol. II

pdfFull Papers Atelier 7B/Part I (it)

Faldi, G., 2013. L’analisi di scenario per l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: definire un progetto di sostenibilità per la città sub-Sahariana. In: Proceedings of the XVI National Conference of the Italian Society of Urban Planners "Urbanism for a different kind of growth", Naples, 9-10 May 2013. Planum. The Journal of Urbanism (ISSN 1723-0993), no. 27, vol. II

pdfFull Papers Atelier 10/Part III (it)

Ricci, L., Macchi, S., 2013. Mainstreaming Literature Review for the Design of a Mainstreaming Strategy. Review Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.3 (1st draft)

pdfReview Paper

Malcor, O., 2013. Researching options through forum theatre. Video, ACCDAR Project WP 1 Activity 1.3


Loddoni, M., S., 2013. Workshop on exploring CC adaptation through Participatory Theatre. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 1 Activity 1.3

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pdf Annex 1

Sappa G., Ferranti F., Ergul S., Ioanni G., 2013. Evaluation of the groundwater active recharge trend in the coastal plain of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(12):548-552


Sappa G., Ferranti F., Luciani G., 2013. Effects of Precipitations on Groundwater Salinization in Dar Es Salaam Coastal Plain (Tanzania). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Environment, Energy and Bioscience (ICFEEB). Bejing, October 24-25. ISBN: 978-1-60595-133-1


Sappa, G., Coviello, M.T., Faldi, G., Rossi, M., Trotta, A. and Vitale, S., 2013. Analysis of the Sensitivity to Seawater Intrusion of Dar es Salaam's Coastal Aquifer with Regard to Climate Change. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.2

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Congedo, L., Munafò, M., Macchi, S., 2013. Investigating the Relationship between Land Cover and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Dar es Salaam. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1 (1st draft)

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Congedo, L., 2013. Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin for QGIS. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1.

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Congedo, L., Munafò, M., 2013. Assessment of Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing: Objectives, Methods and Results. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1.

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Congedo, L., Munafò, M., 2012. Development of a Methodology for Land Cover Classification Validation. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1.

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Macchi, S., 2012. Cambiamento climatico, narrazioni e progetti di adattamento. CRIOS. Critica degli ordinamenti spaziali (ISSN: 2279-8986), 4, pp. 71-83.

webCRIOS (it)


Macchi, S., 2012. Pianificare l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: questioni aperte per la ricerca nelle città sub-sahariane. Contesti. Città, territori, progetti (ISSN: 2035-5300), p.109-114.


Congedo, L., Munafò, M., 2012. Development of a Methodology for Land Cover Classification in Dar es Salaam using SPOT Imagery. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1.

pdfWorking Paper

Ricci, L., Demurtas, P., Macchi, S., Cerbara, L., 2012. Investigating the Livelihoods of the Population Dependent on Natural Resources and their Concerns Regarding Climate Change. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 1 Activity 1.1..

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pdfHousehold Questionnaire

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Congedo, L., Munafò, M., 2012. Development of a Methodology for Land Cover Classification in Dar es Salaam using Landsat Imagery. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 2 Activity 2.1.

pdfWorking Paper

Ricci, L., 2012. Peri-Urban Livelihood and Adaptive Capacity: Urban Development in Dar es Salaam. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, 7(1), pp. 39-54.


Kassenga, G., Mbuligwe, S., 2012. Report on Investigation of Dar es Salaam’s Institutional Activities related to Climate Change. Working Paper, ACCDAR Project WP 1 Activity 1.2.

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pdfOfficer Survey Questionnaire

Ricci, L., 2011. Reinterpreting Sub-Saharan cities through the concept of “adaptive capacity”. An analysis of “autonomous” adaptation practices to environmental changes in peri-urban areas. PhD in Urban Planning. Sapienza University of Rome.

webPhD Dissertation (it)

pdfPhD Poster

Ricci, L., 2011. Peri-urban Livelihood and Adaptive Capacity: The Case of Dar es Salaam. In: AESOP, 5th Young Academics Network Meeting. Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 16-18 February 2011.Conference Proceedings available at:


Faldi, G., 2011. Evaluation of the vulnerability to climate change of the coastal communities in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) as regards salt water intrusion in the aquifer. MSc in Environmental Engineering. Sapienza University of Rome.

pdfMSc Dissertation (it)

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pdfMSc Poster 2



Prof. Giuseppe Sappa, Project Coordinator


Prof. Gabriel Kassenga, Local Coordinator
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